
This article we show what is RCCB full form of RCCB is recidual current circuit breaker and understands the working of RCCB & uses of RCCB. Some kind of countries called RCB Residual current device.


This device use for protection of current leakage. Like example I use an electric motor. It runs on 230 v ac supply. You consider it to run condition, and the RCCB is connected. This time you consider the motor coil insulation is break by chance to heavy heat or any kind of mechanical injuries of conductor of coil. This time the conductor is touch to the metal body of the motor. Then the phase line passes through the motor body this time any person touch the motor body then he/she shocked heavily this time he/she will be injured or die. So this kind of risks less to use RCCB. When you use RCCB then any person touch this faulty motor then instantly the RCCB is off and the motor power supply is cot out this time the person is not shocked he/she will safe.


The RCCB is only two types: 1) is double pole RCCB and 2) is four pole RCCB.

There we consider double pole RCCB. The RCCB rating is 2 types I) is leakage tripping rating. II) rated current.

I)                    Leakage tripping rating :

The RCCB use of 3 type of leakage ampere rating 1. 30 mA, 2. 100 mA, 3. 300 mA mostly use 30 mA rating RCCBs because the 30 mA current is flow the human body is few second is safe.


II)                  Rated current :

The rated current is what the capacity of load carry of the RCCB is. The rated RCCB is available on this type of category 16A, 25A, 32A, 40A, 36A, 100A.



Maximum RCCB is use in general purpose is input is upside connector and output is downside connectors. But some cases the input is down side and output is up side. This type of connection information circuit diagram is drawing in the back side or connector side.


 So you can read it and understand the connection diagrams to connect it.

Now we can understand the connection input or output diagram but one problem is the 2 pole RCCB is input two connectors which is neutral or which is phase. Basically the RCCB switch/leaver side connector is neutral or other side is phase. But you can sure that is to read the circuit diagram of the RCCB in draw in side panel.

 This diagram is show in input side is N or 1 there is N = neutral or 1= phase in and output is N or 2 there is N= neutral out and 2= phase out.


NOTED THAT ***** When we can run any motors on single phase this time we connected the two wire on the motor so one is neutral or one is phase this case when motor is run condition this time we measure of current on the motor is draw from supply is suppose 10 ampere. So we know that when current is flow through the condu8ctor this time the electron is also flow through the same conductor. This case the current 10A flow through the phase wire to the motor. This particular same amount of current (10A) is also back to flow the supply (electron flow).(when 1 amount of flux flow through the magnetic core this time same amount of opposite direction flux flow same magnetic core this time two types of magmatic flux canceled out of the core and the core magnet is zero).

This type of system we used on RCCB to measure the current flow and tripping system.

System the parts use:

1.       Square or  round ring type magnetic core

2.       Heavy duty copper conductor to carry heavy amount of current

3.       Sensing coil

4.       Tripping coil

5.       Tripping shaft

There the phase is one heavy copper wire is connected to input to output through some turns one side square round type magnetic core. Or neural is connected to input to output through some turns this Square or round ring type magnetic core opposite side of phase wire.

                                                        The sensor coil is turns to one edge of round or square magnetic core. And this coil is connected to tripping coil. When the motor phase wire is leaked this time some current drain through the motor body to earth. And the motor draw some more current through the rated current .like 15A draw the shorted motor but actual motor draw 10A and other 5A is drain through body to earth. And back current flow through to the neutral is 10A current this time the differential magnetic flux produce in the magnetic core this time the sensing coil is sense of this differential and energize the tripping coil and suddenly the RCCB is tripped. Cut out the all total circuit system is connected in input of the RCCB. And this system is connected to tripping shaft to trip the RCCB.



The testing switch is push button type switch this switch has 2 connection leads one is connected through resistor to output phase wire and switch other lead is connected to input of neutral wire. When you press the switch then the phase current is bypass through the resistance in neutral side this time the differential is produce on magnetic core then the RCCB is tripped. this test switch is push in every month To test the RCCB is ok or not.

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